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1.  This data type allows alphanumeric characters and special symbols.
a) Memo

b) text
c) auto number
d) currency

2. Which of the following is not a database object ?
 a) Form
 b) tables
 c) reports

 d) relationship
3. Which field type can store photos ?
a)  Hyperlink

b) OLE
c) memo
d) text
4. Which of the following data type is used to store logical values in MS access?
a) Yes/no
b) on/off

c) True/False
d) all of these

5.  Any report, including a basic report, can be modified in____.
a) Print preview
b) Report view

c) Layout view
d) all of these
6.  Word wrap means
a) Aligning text with the right margin
b) Inserting spaces between words

c) Moving text automatically to the text line
d) None of these

7.    The document can be zoomed maximum up to:
a)  100%    
b) 200%    
c) 400%    

d) 500%
8.    To select a sentence, click anywhere on the sentence while holding the following key.
a) Shift

b) ctrl
c) alt
d) esc

9. What is the shortcut key for “subscript” the selected text?
a) Ctrl++
b) ctrl +shift ++
c) ctrl +shift+=

d) ctrl + =

10.    Inside which HTML element do we put the java script?
a)  <scripting>    

b) <script>    
c) <javascript>    
d) <js>
11.    How to write an IF statement in java script?
a) If i=5

b) if (i==5)
c) if i=5 then
d) if i==5 then

12. HTML stands for

a)  Hypertext markup language
b)  Holistic technical method library
c)  Hypertext makes line
d)  None of these

13. <a> and </a> are the tags used for

a) Adding
b) Aligning test
c) Audio-voiced Makes line
d) None of these

14. Which tag tells the browser where the page starts and stops?

a) <Html>
c) <head>
d) <title>

15. Which tag can set the background color for your page?

a) <body>
d) <title>
16. In the Tally software, which one of the following directories stores all data entered by the user?    
a) Bin    
b) Sub    

c) data    
d) Database

17. Creating a new company in tally from company info Menu is possible by selecting:-
a) New company
b) Start company
c) Create

d) Create Company

18. In tally, which voucher type is used to transfer amount from one bank to another?
a) Payment
b) Receipt
c) Journal

d) Contra

19. TDS is applied on which of the following incomes?
a) Professional
b) Commission of lottery ticket
c) Salary income

d) All of these


20. Rates& Taxes comes under ________ Group.
a) Income

b) Duties &Taxes
c) Expenditure
d) None of these


21.  Which of the following VBA windows shows the code of the active object?
a) Explorer window
b) Properties window
c) Immediate Windows

d) Code window

22.  The function procedures are _____ by default.
a) Public
b) private
c) protected
d) none of these

23.  Extension of active X designers is

a)  .dsr    
b) .axd
c) .adx
d) none of these
24.  In visual basic, the declaration of variables is done by _____ key word.
a) Int

b) dim
c) static
d) declare

25.    ________is the property which is used to hide the content in textbox with some symbols.
a) Name
b) captions
c) hidden

d) password char

26.    A computer cannot "boot" if it does not have the
a) Compiler
b) loader

c) hidden
d) password

27.    The initial value of the semaphore that allows only one of the many processes to enter their critical sections, is
a) 8    

b) 1    
c) 16    
d) 0

28.  An algorithm is best described as
a)    A computer language

b)    a step by step procedure for solving a program
c)    a branch of mathematics
d)    none of these

29.    Which of the following is false about disk when compared to main memory?
a) Non-volatile
b) longer storage capacity
c) lower price per bit

d) faster


30.  Which of the following is false about disk  when compared to main memory?
a) Allocates resources
b) monitors activities
c) manage disks and files

d) all of these

31.  Which of the following tool allows you to change your default X window desktop?
a) Switchdesk
b) intrc
c) xinitre
d) xchange

32.  When did IBM release the first version of disk operating system dos version 1.0?

a)  1981    
b) 1982    
c) 1983    
d) 1984


33.    Bullets and numbering is in ____tab
a)  Home tab    
b) insert tab
c) page layout tab
d) view tab
34. Which of the following is graphics solution for word processors?
a)  Clip art    
b) word art    
c) drop cap    

d) all of these
35.  Which file starts MS word?
a)  Word.exe

b) winword.exe
c) msword.exe
d) word2003.exe
36.    Portrait and landscape are
a) Paper size    
b) page layout

c) page orientation
d) format
37.  Which of the following line spacing is invalid?
a) Single
b) double

c) triple
d) multiple

38.  Which of the following is the largest version of ms word?
a) Word 2000
b) word 2007

c) word 2010
d) word 2011

39. The last address of IP address represents
a)  Unicast address    
b) network address

c) broadcast address    
d) none of these


40.  How many layers does OSI reference model has?
a)  4    
b) 5    
c) 6    

d) 7

41.   Difference between T568A and T568B  is
a)    Difference in wire color
b)    difference in number of wires
c)    just difference length of wires

d)    just difference manufacturer standards

42.  Home access is provided by
a) DSL    
c) Cable

d) all of these
43. Java script is a/an_____ language.
a)  Programming    
b) application

c) scripting
d) presenting

44.  The unary operator type of returns………if the operand value is null
a) "undefined"

b) "object"
c) "Boolean"
d) "string"


45.    The ……… operator expects a left-side operand that is or can be converted to a string
a) Comparison

b) in
c) instance of
d) logical

46.    Java script code is written inside file having extension________.
a) Server side scripting language

b) Browser side scripting language
c) client side scripting language
d) Both b & c

47. The script tag must be placed in
a) Head

b) head and body
c) title and head
d) all of these

48.    The best products to sell in B2C e-commerce are
a) Small products

b) digital products
c) specialty products
d) fresh products

49. All of the following are example of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT

a) Hackers
b) spam
c) viruses
d) identity theft


50.    VAT is imposed
a)    Directly on consumer
b)    On final stage of production
c)    On first stage of production

d)    On all stages between production and final sale


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