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Module 8 Quality tools

1 Fishbone chart is also called as.......
A cause and effect diagram
B scatter diagram
C control chart
D histogram

2 In PDCA cycle, ‘P’ stands for .......
A Process

B Plan
C Problem
D Procedure

3 The expansion of QMS is.......
A Quality Management Standard
B Quality Measurement Standard
C Quality Measurement System

D Quality Management System

4 The PDCA means.......
A Plan, Develop, Control, Act

B Plan, Do, Check, Act
C Plan, Develop, Check, Act
D Plan, Do, Control, Act















5 Total number of popular quality tools are….
A 9
B 8

C 7
D 6

6 What does “SERI” stand for?

A Sorting out
B Self-discipline
C Standardization
D Systematic arrangement

7 What is the function of “Histogram” in Quality tools?
A Narrow down the problem area
B Effect of discrete causes

C Indicates shape of distribution
D Assess factors for problem

8 What is the last step in ISO 9001 registration?
A Corrective and preventive action
B Internal audit
C Management review meeting

D Certification and audit

















9 What is the name used for word “waste”?

10 Which formula is correct to quantify the quality

A Q = P/Q
B Q = Q/E
C E = E/P
D P = Q/P

11 Which one is NOT a basic tool used in quality circle?
A Histogram
B Pareto chart
C Check sheet

D Torque wrench

12 Which one is NOT the certified ISO standard?
A ISO 9010
B ISO 9001
C ISO 9002
D ISO 9003

13 Which one of the following is not the characteristics of quality?
A Quality control
B Quality of design
C Quality of assurance

D Quality of non- conformance

14 Which statement of quality was stated by quality guru Dr. J. M. Juran?
A Quality should be aimed

B Quality is fitness for use
C Quality is value for money
D Quality is conformance to requirement

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